I like to make bread instead of buying it. I get much better quality for the value that way. I started making my own bread about 6 or so months ago. I have tried many bread recipes and thumbed through many others. None of the recipes gave me exactly what I was looking for, so through trial and error, I have created my own. It's pretty simple and quite tasty (to me at least). Daniel likes it too, but I think I have mentioned that he likes pretty much everything. Maybe I need a pickier taste tester. Any volunteers?
2 1/2 tsp yeast (Don't buy those stupid yeast packets. They are such a waste of money. Buy a jar or bag of yeast and store it in your fridge or freezer. 2 1/4 tsp is the equivalent of one of those packets, since this recipe has a little more you can't cheat and use one, ha! Really though, don't buy the yeast packets, way too expensive for what you get.)
2 TBS brown sugar
1 1/3 cup warm water
1/4 cup honey
3 TBS butter (melted)
2 cups wheat flour
1 1/4 cup white flour
3/4 cup oats
1 1/2 tsp salt
Combine the yeast, brown sugar and water and let the mixture sit until it becomes frothy.What does frothy look like?
This would be frothy. |
While you are waiting for the froth to happened, combine all of the dry ingredients (flours, oats, salt). Once it is ready, add the yeast mixture, honey and butter to the dry mixture. Mix with a bread hook. (I just have a hand mixer with bread hooks, use whatever you can). Don't power the mixer too high, stay at about medium power. Once the ingredients all come together fairly nicely like so...
Then it's time to knead. Knead the mixture on floured surface for just a few minutes until the dough is smooth and you can form into a ball similar to this one:
Place your ball of dough in a bowl that has been sprayed with cooking spray. Cover the dough, place somewhere warm and let raise at least 30 min. After the dough raises, you get to be a little violent. Punch it down.
My punched down bread. |
After you beat your bread up really good. Spray a loaf pan with cooking spray and transfer the dough into the pan. Squish it around really nice so it forms a nice looking loaf. Cover the dough, and let raise for another 30 min. Bake the bread at 350 degrees for 30-35 min or until you hear a hollow sound when you tap the top of the loaf. The top will look pretty dark, but it is wheat bread, so don't worry. Remove to a wire cooling rack immediately. I like to brush the top of my loaf with a little butter while it is still warm. (I highly recommend this step). I cut it while it's still warm, mostly because by the time it's done I'm hungry and want to eat some.
The finished product. |
Since there are only two of us that currently eat solid food in my house, I only make one loaf at a time. (Well that and the fact that I only own one loaf pan). Feel free to double the recipe and make two loafs if you feel so inclined. The crust has little crunchy chewiness to it, but the inside is pretty soft, but still hearty. I love it, but if you are used to eating white sandwich bread this probably isn't the bread for you.